A post from a right-winger
(If you notice, I added the sarcastic crap in the yellow...the rest are the REDNECK'S words.)
The first excerpt shows the absurdity of those who claim that Bush doesn’t help the poor. Side note: many of you have seen me quoted in (He's trying to plug his blog, but I had to remove the REDNECK's information) My columns are linked to the big "REDNECK" icon. The columns are based on local topics of interest given to me weekly. Reader’s have the ability to comment …I look forward to hearing from you. – Aaron Hohenbrink.
More from the Aaron Hohenbrink:
Bush doesn't care about the poor? Let us count the ways.
Since Bush took office, according to the Heritage Foundation, federal anti-poverty spending -- including Medicaid, food and nutrition programs, housing, earned income tax credit and child credits, plus other programs -- increased 42 percent. This is nearly double the rate of increase under President Clinton.
Under No Child Left Behind, Bush increased federal spending on education -- in inflation-adjusted dollars -- from 2001 to 2005 by 38 percent. During the same period, Education for the Disadvantaged Grants (this includes Title I) -- the program designed to decrease the performance gap between urban and suburban school districts -- received an inflation-adjusted increase of 58 percent.
Bush increased spending on Education for Homeless Children and Youth by an inflation-adjusted 57 percent during those same years. Under Bush, federal spending for bilingual education has increased 44 percent in inflation-adjusted dollars since 2001. Bush has increased by 52 percent (from 2001) funding for Pell Grants used at technical schools and community colleges.
President Bush's 2005 budget included 12.5 percent more funding than in 2001 for job training and employment assistance. This comes to a total of $23 billion for 30 programs in nine agencies.
The Trade Adjustment Assistance Program pays for job training for those "displaced" as a result of free trade. Bush, in his first four years in office, more than doubled the inflation-adjusted dollars spent on this program.
Job Training
Community Service:
SBA Loans
Thanks for the information AARON...I'll be sure to take all your points into account, write them on a piece of paper and then wipe my ass with it.