October 24, 2005


After cleaning out some closets, I found this towel. I live in my boyfriend's house, and I know for a fact this towel does not belong to me.

I immediately ran down the hall laughing
hysterically and started ripping on him. "Hey! I didn't know you liked Brandon and Dylan, you little gay-rod!!!"

He CLAIMED that he'd never seen it before. He alleged that it either belonged his sister from a long time ago, or it could have been some unwanted xmas gift.

Uh huh... Sure.....


Ok...I'll admit I watched 90210. Every single episode of every season. The show started when I was 17 for crying out loud...you know it was cool back then, don't deny it! But it wasn't my towel, I swear to GOD!

  • I thought Brandon was super hot (but then turned ugly and became seriously annoying and a total lamo, glad he left!)
  • I loved Dylan's alcoholic, heroin crazed, broodiness. However, his voice was extremely annoying..."Hey...Bren...we need to talk...". He also could have gone through the buffet line a few more times--a little too skinny for my taste.
  • Brenda-the-Bitch sucked from day one until she went bye-bye!
  • I wanted to vomit every time I had to look at Steve's blonde afro-mullet.
  • I always pondered about the realness of Donna's breasts and why her cleavage was so far apart.
  • I thought David was a total dork who admired 'Snow' and Vanilla Ice for their smooth dance moves. Although, I'll admit, he happens to be pretty hot now.
  • I loved the bad girl, slutty, club owner Valerie who had sex with just about everyone on the show...she had some big boobies too. A big change from "Saved By the Bell"!
  • And of course you gotta love the victim, Kelly. She's been raped, almost burned to death while locked in a bathroom with a lesbian, had a great desire for cocaine and diet pills, survived rehab, joined a cult, been shot, had a miscarriage, suffered from amnesia, and then had to choose between Brandon and Dylan when they both proposed to her. She said, "I choose myself".

How lame was that? I hope that writer was fired.


Anonymous said...

I was a HUGE fan of Beverly Hills, 90210 also!


Michelle Says So 2.0 said...

I know...we were such pathetic young adults. Melrose Place was my FAVORITE, though!