November 7, 2005


Liars and Con Artists!!!

I posted a "Cheap Gas" in Indianapolis article last week. Over the weekend, I didn't see ANY gas stations that were selling regular unleaded for under $2.00!!! At least not anywhere north of 38th Street!

Do 'you' ("the man" and whoever else is responsible for creating this mess/crisis) think that your obvious false propaganda makes the consumer think that getting gas for under $2 is a great deal? one is fooled.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First of all, let me start out by saying that if you think the war is about oil, you're completely misguided and truly don't understand the war we're waging and the nature of the enemy.

As for oil it really is a system of supply and demand. For further details, I suggest you read a short column written by economist Alan Reynolds, "Oil profits, prices, and politics".

Yes, the oil companies have made a lot of profit lately, but so have many other businesses and industries. Although Exxon got big headlines for earning $9.92 billion in the third quarter, few analysts bothered to note that this only came to 9.8 cents per dollar of sales -- well below that of many other companies.

For example, Citigroup and Microsoft each made 33.2 percent profit. Among other major companies that each made at least twice as much as Exxon in percentage terms are Bank of America, Merck, Google, Eli Lilly, Coca Cola, Intel and Yahoo.