Dec. 21, 2005 — The parents of nine children injured in bike accidents are suing Wal-Mart, saying the bikes are faulty. "The point I would like to make with explaining what happened to Allen in this bike accident is that Wal-Mart and Dynacraft should be held accountable, and they should recall these defective bikes," said Cheryl Abplanalp, whose son Allen was injured in a bike accident.

"He was delirious," Cheryl Abplanalp said. "He kept saying: 'Mommy, Mommy, I don't know what happened. What happened?' And he was saying: 'I don't want to die. I don't want to die.'"
Allen's bike was one of almost 500,000 bikes made in hat featured a quick-release lever for the front wheel. "That's what caused his accident," Cheryl Abplanalp said. "The front tire literally dropped off the bike."
In trial testimony, a Wal-Mart claims adjuster said she saw a pattern of such accidents, blaming them on small children who pulled the quick-release lever. (Yep, let's blame a 7 year old victim...real cool.)
"The quick-release lever on some of the bikes would trigger and the front wheel would come off," Lisa Thomasson-Jameson said.
Wal-Mart and the Dynacraft Co. say they stand behind the bicycles and continue to see kids' bikes with a quick-release mechanism, although not the same model.
(Are you KIDDING me???)
Wal-Mart says it's the carelessness of the children and the parents that is to blame for the accidents.
The Abplanalps' attorney, Mark Webb, disagrees. "It ends up being, according to my metallurgist expert, a ticking time bomb, where in a matter of just days, weeks, months or years, that wheel has a very strong likelihood of coming loose," Webb said. Allen has recovered from his physical wounds, but the emotional scars remain. He is now 13 and hasn't been on a bicycle since his accident.
"I have dreams that it happens again, and I'm [in] so much pain, sometimes I die, you know," Allen said.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission told ABC News that it is investigating the complaints. That probe could result in a recall of the bikes.
It's really incredible how thin skinned you are about any criticisim you're given regarding your entries. Hell, in my case, I even use the same username when I send them to you so I can be critized specifically.
I guess you'll force me to go back to using the Anonymous thing so that you don't immediately discard it and you won't be able to tell my entries from others. I'd really rather not though. And like I said before, I am not going to go away...you need the challenge.
Do you not realize that differing comments intrigues people to come to your site? Note the low number of comments. I guarantee I can cause you a firestorm of site activity.
Have some confidence in your stance, post differing viewpoints, and/or at least let someone else take the ball in either agreeing or disagreeing.
Not posting opposing viewpoints is extremely biased, unjournalistic, and unprofessional.
Unless, of course, you just want your site to be considered propaganda and only read by people who agree with you.
First, I don't mind criticism. I choose not to post your comments because I don't like you. I know who you are, and you keep saying that I don't...but quit it with the B.S.
Second, even if you decide to use "anonymous", I'll still know it's you. You have an uncanny writing style that I pick up on. It's not that hard.
Third, I am not a professional 'journalist'. I never said I was, nor do I claim to be. I write what I feel like because this is MY BLOG. Freedom of speech does not apply here. I don't like you and I find what you said about me is completely unforgivable, which was total B.S. by the way. You don't know me...you never did to begin with.
I don't need a challenge from you...I have enough challenges in my life--and your challenge is the last priority on my list. In fact, it isn't on my list at all.
Why pick on Walmart. It is not their fault that the bikes are faulty, if that is the case. Might just be opperator error. Why must people always try to pick on Walmart.
Nemesis--yes, I DO KNOW YOU. I know who you are and where you live. Would you like me to stop by so we can chat about your hatefulness towards me?
Please don't write me any more comments because I WILL NEVER publish them. You know my email address...if you'd like to personally chat with me, fine. But right now I will NEVER post your comments and I still hate your guts with a passion.
By the way, I DO accept criticism. Only from people who do not bash me, bring up my personal life, my thoughts on a subject and act completely condescending. Which is what you are.
Nemesis--Here's an excerpt of your latest post:
I've only mentioned things you've mentioned yourself in either your blogs or your comments. Test me, I'll prove it.
Nemesis--you said you can prove it...I'm waiting.
If you care to email me directly then write to michellesaysso@sbcglobal.net.
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