February 9, 2006


I hate Joe Francis...he's the a-hole that started that "Girls Gone Wild" piece of trash. I love this guy that did this! He should have gotten an award, not prison! I just love it! How do you like it now Joe? Did it feel good?

Man sentenced to prison for robbing, kidnapping 'Girls Gone Wild' creator 

LOS ANGELES — The man accused of breaking into the Bel Air mansion of Girls Gone Wild creator Joe Francis and forcing him at gunpoint to make a sexually provocative videotape pleaded guilty Tuesday to robbery and extortion and was sentenced to almost 11 years in prison. "I don't think there can ever be true justice. I don't think anything can ever be truly resolved in my mind. It takes time to heal," Francis told Courttv.com. "You walk in your house every single night. 

Imagine that pivotal moment where you never walk in your house the same way again. I never will because of what happened to me. But I'm happy to get it over with and I think the police did a fantastic job." The intruder, Darnell Riley, 28, previously denied the charges, but admitted Tuesday that he broke into Francis' home on Jan. 22, 2004. 

Francis, 33, testified about his harrowing hours-long ordeal at a preliminary hearing in December. He said that Riley tied him up, forced him at gunpoint to lie on his own bed and be filmed, put duct tape over his mouth, and drove him a short distance in Francis' Bentley before releasing him. Cash, Louis Vuitton luggage, a Rolex watch, and an original Picasso sketch, were among the items Francis claims were robbed from his home. 

"The greater part of the story was the fact that this guy was extorting me for $500,000. It became ridiculous," Francis told Courttv.com. 

Riley allegedly threatened to distribute the videotape on the Internet if Francis did not pay him. Francis said Riley first asked for $100,000, then upped the price to $300,000 and $500,000.

The tape, according to several sources, depicts Francis lying facedown on his bed with his pants down and a pink vibrator resting on his buttocks. "My name is Joe Francis. I'm from Boys Gone Wild, and I like it up the a--," Francis says in the video. 

Prosecutors confirmed that Francis was never sexually assaulted during the incident. It was Francis' pal Paris Hilton, 24, who tipped authorities to Riley's alleged involvement after she overheard conversations at a party. "She was instrumental in the capture and ultimately the conviction of Darnell Riley," Francis told Courttv.com Prosecutors confirmed that Hilton's tip helped lead to Riley's arrest on March 28, 2005, almost a year after the break-in. 

Deputy District Attorney Hoon Chun previously told Courttv.com that authorities found the tape and stolen property in Riley's home, and that Riley's prints were also found in Francis' home, on his Bentley, and on the duct tape that was used to cover his mouth. 

Francis says he is in the process of getting his property back, but that he has no interest in the videotape, which, according to a spokesperson from the D.A.'s office, is being held as evidence by the court. "They played it in court," Francis said. "I really don't even care if anybody sees it." 

Francis has made a fortune convincing young women to flash their breasts for the camera, and he had a nonchalant attitude about his own unauthorized sex tape. "All they do is make me say I'm gay, which I'm not," he said chuckling. "But I don't care if people see it and think I am. The most important thing to me is I'm really happy to put this thing behind me, and that this guy will be in jail for 11 years."

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