February 14, 2006


Ok, I'll admit it. I'm a Valentine's Day Scrooge. I think it goes back to high school when I never got that pink or red carnation in homeroom from that really cute guy from my math class that I've been pining away for years. Only the really so-called pretty popular girls got the carnations (multiple) and even the geeks who had their own geek love going on. It was always the day of me crying in the bathroom, "Oh my god...I am just going to die." "Why don't I have a boyfriend? What is wrong with me?"

Well, I've come a long way, baby.

I don't need flowers or even a carnation from anyone anymore. I've learned throughout the years that this so-called 'holiday' is a great marketing ploy from card companies, advertisers, chocolate companies, jewelry stores, hotel chains, honeymoon packages with their travel destinations, etc. Did you know that Valentine's day is also the biggest day for Private Investigators to find cheating spouses or significant others? See article HERE.

I guess I'm just a cynical 32-year old, but I just don't think that the majority of people out there are 'gushing' at the moment. How many people do you know that really act the way they do in movies? Strawberrys and champagne in the park, ice skating in Central Park, snuggling with hot chocolate by the fire at a ski lodge. C'mon people! This shit doesn't happen. And if it really does for you, all the power to you. I don't think those things really exist. At least I don't think they exist anymore. Maybe 40-50+ years ago, when society was a completely different world than it is today. Statistics show that we have had a boom in divorces, spousal abuse, murder of pregnant women, sexual assaults and rapes. Gee, how romantic is that?

I'm not some old spinster. I do have a significant other, but I don't expect anything out of some gross Fabio romance book. I am realistic. If I get a card, that's good enough for me.

My point EXACTLY! Read this!

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