December 18, 2006


I find this story becoming more and more amazing and outrageous. Originally, I immediately sided with the accuser, because I always believe a possible rape victim before anyone else. Call me judgmental, call me unfair…I don’t care. That’s just the way I think.

But as time has gone on, I’ve been questioning myself about this woman’s validity. First and foremost I want to say that I DO believe she was assaulted. I believe she was assaulted with the broomstick that was mentioned by one of the drunk and rowdy party-goers. She DOES have DNA on her person that hasn’t matched up with any of the suspects. However, that doesn’t mean it wasn’t someone else at the party who wasn’t on the LaCrosse team.

The fact that she immediately went to the ER goes in her favor. Thousands of actual rape victims do not see immediate medical attention. This action I believe says a lot for her credibility; including the verification from the rape kit and the nurse’s findings that she had vaginal wounding and tears.

Bottom line: SOMETHING happened to this girl.

Now she’s 9 months pregnant. What a bombshell! I hear on one show she already had the child, in another article on the net, she’s about to give birth. So I don’t know if the child has been born yet. I understand her wanting to keep private about her pregnancy and her life; but I think this is major evidence that has been kept behind closed doors.

Did Prosecutor DiFong know about this? Who knew? Were all the men at the party where she danced white? Does the pregnancy timeline add up?

If the child comes out multi-racial, then we will know there is a strong possibility that the father came from that party. I do not know all the bits and details about her “n-word” accusations, and having sex with a boyfriend that day or whatever the ‘buzz’ was. And frankly, I don’t care.

I care that a woman is having a baby by herself. I care that a woman WAS violated in some way. Which way was she violated? That has yet to be determined.

I care that the alleged rape victims get all the scrutiny and are considered sluts, easy women, etc. Even the fact that this woman was a stripper does NOT excuse any sort of behavior that has been implied here. Just remember, even a prostitute can be raped. And that is NEVER a justification of such violence against a human being.

I will be interested to see what unfolds in the beginning of 2007. I’m sure those 3 male suspects are sweating it out…trying to get on with their lives, but not succeeding. That makes me happy, because the alleged victim isn’t able to get on with her life either.

Latest update on case and accuser's pregnancy details


Michelle Says So 2.0 said...

Hey Nemesis--

Don't care what you think. Hope you liked the gay magazines that were sent to your house.

Michelle Says So 2.0 said...

Nemesis= Carmel, Indiana

F-ing LOSER.