June 4, 2007


Craig Stebic--A Crazed Gun Toting Psycho?

On October 8, 1995 in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Michigan Conservation Officer, Mike Holmes had a frightening confrontation involving Craig Stebic and his father, Joe.The Stebics were being investigated for some time for poaching animals. Information from confidential informants said the Stebics were poaching the animals and taking the meat back to Illinois to sell.

That day Craig and his father were pulled over for the poaching investigation. Craig crouched down in the back of the truck with a 12 gauge shotgun. This was one of the few times in Officer Holmes’ 25+ years of working in law enforcement when he felt he had to pull his weapon.

“Craig was in the back and he had a shotgun,” Holmes said. “He wanted to do something but I drew my gun before he got out of the back of the pickup…you can see he was trying to figure out what to do but the look on his face told me it wasn't good,” Holmes said. “They were real defiant.”

According to the police report, fresh blood was found in the truck but no animals were spotted. Officials also never found any of the animals the Stebics were believed to have poached. However, investigators believe they could be stashed among the hundreds of mining pits that that cover the 1,100 miles of Iron County, Michigan.

“I think every police officer has individuals that they make contact with in their career that basically makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck, and whether it's the look or the cold stare or whatever that's what I had for Craig.” Holmes said.

No Shock Factor

Holmes said that when he heard about Lisa going missing and the possible evidence pointing to Craig he wasn't shocked. “It didn't surprise me…Let's say that. I wasn't surprised.”

Arrest Record

Craig Stebic was arrested two other times in Iron County, Michigan. In November 2004, he pleaded guilty and paid a $189 fine for using another person’s kill to tag a big game animal. In 1996 he paid an $80 fine for being caught with two undersized bass.

Recent Iron County Searches

Recently law enforcement investigators were in Michigan's Upper Peninsula searching more than 150 acres of Iron County land that have been in the Stebic family for generations. They searched Craig’s cousin, Michelle Stebic's farm where Craig carved his name into a cabin nearly 30 years ago. They also searched Craig's father’s cottage in nearby Alpha, and turned up nothing.

There are some people who think he might have loved her so much that he might have killed her. “Human nature says yeah…You love somebody that much.” Michelle Stebic also stated, “…in the heat of the moment, anything can happen.” But then she quickly contradicts herself by stating, “I don't believe he would... actually kill her."

Craig’s father, Joe Stebic denounced the 1995 police report. He claims the version was a lie.

How convenient…

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