September 22, 2009


Tonight I will be the featured guest on "The Levi Page" internet radio show to discuss human trafficking in the United States. This is a serious problem that has been overlooked in politics and law enforcement. Mr. and Mrs. John Q chooses to believe this doesn't happen in the U.S., that it occurs "somewhere in Asia" and "it doesn't affect them".

Yes, it's happening right here. In the "Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave."

You can live in the city, in a suburb, a can live in New York, Wisconsin, Utah, Texas, California, Ohio. No state is immune to these heinous acts of violence, rape, torture and death. It happening right under your nose and you don't even realize it.

For more information check out my last few posts on this manipulative, highly integrated, lucrative and most victimizing crime there could possibly be.

UNLESS we educate the public to what is going on, then there can be no citizen intervention and these crimes will continue and many lives will be destroyed forever.

Click link for Levi's show:

1 comment:

MsSecret said...

Thank you for speaking out, Michelle. Great job-keep it up!