Missing Child Investigation May be a Homicide, Father Person of Interest

AURORA, Colo. (AP) — A 6-year-old girl reported missing by her father this week may actually have been killed more than a year ago, police said, and they called the father a "person of interest" in the case. The search for Aarone Thompson was suspended, and police opened a homicide investigation on Thursday, following a tip that someone killed her at her home.
Aaron Thompson reported his daughter missing on Monday, telling police she left after she was upset that she couldn't have a cookie. That was a lie, Police said, declining to elaborate. Thompson is considered a "person of interest" police said they will interview him and his live-in girlfriend.
"The investigation leads right back to this home," Detective Jones said during a news conference. "We believe that Aarone is no longer alive and that suspicion is rising to the highest level."
Although Aarone's 7th birthday is Nov. 30, police didn't find any pictures of her older than 4 1/2 as they searched for her with dozens of officers, dogs and aircraft. The child also wasn't enrolled in school. "Over a period of time — up to possibly a year and a half ago — Aarone Thompson may have been murdered," Jones said.
Thompson had made an impassioned plea for his daughter earlier this week. "I'm scared for her safety. ... If anybody has information, please contact the police to bring my baby girl home." The girl's mother, Lynette Thompson, who is staying in a homeless shelter in Detroit, has said she believed Aarone (pronounced air-un-AY) is a crime victim. "What does a 6-year-old know about running away?" She has said the split with her husband was bitter and she hasn't seen the child since 2001.
Police said Aaron Thompson was uncooperative during the initial search. Sam Riddle, a family friend and spokesman, did not return a phone call from The Associated Press but told Denver television stations that the family has answered questions from investigators, let them search the home and gave DNA samples and fingerprints. He faulted police handling of the case. Seven other children who live at the house, ranging in age from 6 to 15, have been placed in protective custody and information gathered suggested that Aarone Thompson was never even enrolled in school.
I am not judging this child's mother because I don't know her situation, but I find it extremely disturbing that she hasn't seen her little girl since 2001. I am a mother, so I cannot understand the mentality of a woman who would leave her child and not even visit her four years.
You should see some of my past posts on terrible parents. I'll make a link for all of them for you to read if you'd like...
not enrolled in school ? where the heck were the neighbors or other kids in the neighborhood ?? what about the other children ? are they in school ? what a sad story
One should have a license to have children. Those lazy and uncaring parents are threatening our future by not taking care of their children, who in turn, end up like their loser parents.
NOT ALL...but most!
Here are some other links to terrible parenting:
I am a resident of Greeley, Colo. and find this to be very disturbing. I also am a mother of 4 and just do not understand how this could happen. What could Aarone have done so wrong for her father to do what he did? Wich obviously I beleive that he did murder his innocent child!!!
It is sad to know that we have so many humanbeings in our society that think they can get away with anything. Even murder.
I am a resident of Greeley, Colo. and find this to be very disturbing. I also am a mother of 4 and just do not understand how this could happen. What could Aarone have done so wrong for her father to do what he did? Wich obviously I beleive that he did murder his innocent child!!!
It is sad to know that we have so many humanbeings in our society that think they can get away with anything. Even murder.
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