February 12, 2006


Another clueless mother

This is one thing that I can't stand about parents these days. They raise irresponsible, disrepectful, violent, sociopathic children, and then they come to their defense when they do something wrong.

Ms. Warren, YOU are the one that is OUTRAGED? She states, "He may have broken the law but he didn't try to kill anyone." This statement also is telling, "He was scared because he was on probation for auto theft". First of all, when someone aims a vehicle at someone that usually means they ARE trying to kill them. An automobile is just as a lethal weapon as a gun.

Second, your son is a known criminal! Who do you think you are kidding? You should be ashamed of yourself for raising a thug son such as yours. Quit making excuses for your child and for YOURSELF as to why you are such a sorry excuse for a parent. I hope you don't have any other children, or at least you should consider sterilization.

Mother Defends Teen After Shooting At School

The mother of a teen preliminarily charged with attempted murder is expressing outrage after her son turned himself in following a scuffle with an Indianapolis Public Schools police officer Friday. Police said IPS Officer Kyle Stewart fired as many as 10 times at the car Charmel Warren's 17-year-old son was driving and told officials he was afraid the boy was going to run him over. 6News' Jeremy Brilliant spoke with the boy's mother the day after the incident at Thomas Carr Howe Academy. The 17-year-old is being held at the Marion County Juvenile Detention Center, where he faces several charges, including criminal recklessness, resisting law enforcement and attempted murder.

The boy's mother said her child might have broken the law, but he did not try to kill anyone. "If anyone should be charged with attempted murder it should be Officer Stewart, cause he's the one that did the firing," Charmel Warren said. Police said the officer acted in self-defense. "I have the officer telling us the car was coming towards him multiple times and I have at least 15 other folks that were out there also," said Indianapolis police Detective Kenneth Martinez.

Warren said her son came to the school Friday to go to a pep rally since he was a former student, but decided he should leave after other students told teachers he no longer attended the school. A scuffle broke out with Stewart. Then, police said, the boy got into his car and tried to run over both Stewart and another IPS officer. "What would have prevented him from hitting him if that was the case? If he was trying to hit him, he would have ran right over him," Warren insisted. Instead, Warren said her son was scared. He tried to get away because he was on probation for auto theft. He was afraid of being locked up so he panicked and fled. "We say, 'Well, why did you run in the first place?' He said, 'I don't know -- just a reaction I guess,'" Warren said.

Warren said she's just thankful her son is alive and thinks Stewart grossly overreacted. "That man does not need to be in a school if he's that quick to pull a gun on a teenager. He needs not to be around teenagers," Warren said. School officials joined police and said the shooting was justified because the officer's life was in jeopardy. The 17 year old is expected to be in court Monday, when prosecutors will file formal charges. It is possible that prosecutors will ultimately not pursue the attempted murder charge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I the boy's auntie, and for the record, all charges where drop and the office was removed from his job. Further more, he is a good responsible young man and is doing very well for himself. Media has a way of taking what someone says out of content. Know the facts...