Teen Girls Tell Their Stories of Sex Trafficking and Exploitation in U.S.
Feb. 9, 2006 — - Fifteen-year-old "Debbie" is the middle child in a close-knit Air Force family from suburban Phoenix, and a straight-A student -- the last person most of us would expect to be forced into the seamy world of sex trafficking.
But Debbie, which is not her real name, is one of thousands of young American girls who authorities say have been abducted or lured from their normal lives and made into sex slaves.
While many Americans have heard of human trafficking in other parts of the world -- Thailand, Cambodia, Latin America and eastern Europe, for example -- few people know it happens here in the United States.
The FBI estimates that well over 100,000 children and young women are trafficked in America today. They range in age from 9 to 19, with the average age being 11. And many victims are no longer just runaways, or kids who've been abandoned. Many of them are from what would be considered "good" families, who are lured or coerced by clever predators, say experts.
"These predators are particularly adept at reading children, at reading kids, and knowing what their vulnerabilities are," said FBI Deputy Assistant Director, Chip Burrus, who started the Lost Innocence project, which specializes in child- and teen-sex trafficking. And, he said, these predators are going where the kids are. "

Abducted From Her Own Driveway, Teen Says Debbie's story is particularly chilling. One evening Debbie said she got a call from a casual friend, "Bianca," who asked to stop by Debbie's house. Wearing a pair of Sponge Bob pajamas, Debbie went outside to meet Bianca, who drove up in a Cadillac with two older men, Mark and Matthew. After a few minutes of visiting, Bianca said they were going to leave. "So I went and I started to go give her a hug," Debbie told "Primetime." "And that's when she pushed me in the car."
As they sped away from her house, Debbie said that one of the men told Bianca to tie her up and said he threatened to shoot Bianca if she didn't comply. "She tied up my hands first, and then she put the tape over my mouth. And she put tape over my eyes," Debbie said. "While she was putting tape on me, Matthew told me if I screamed or acted stupid, he'd shoot me. So I just stayed quiet." Unbelievably, police say Debbie was kidnapped from her own driveway with her mother, Kersti, right inside.
Back home with her other kids, Kersti had no idea Debbie wasn't there. "I was in the house. I mean, it was a confusing night. I had all the kids coming in and out. The last I knew she had come back in," Kersti said. "It was just so weird that night. I mean, I normally check on all my kids, and that night I didn't. I should have."
Debbie said her captors drove her around the streets of Phoenix for hours. Exhausted and confused, she was finally taken to an apartment 25 miles from her home. She said one of her captors put a gun to her head. "He goes, 'If I was to shoot you right now, where would you want to be shot -- in your head, in you

Debbie said she was then drugged by her captors and other men were brought into the room, where she was gang raped. "And then that's when I heard them say there was a middle-aged guy in the living room that wanted to take advantage of a 15-year-old girl," she said. "And then he goes, 'Bend her over. I want to see what I'm working with.' And that's when he started to rape me. And I see more guys, four other guys had come into the room. And they all had a turn. It was really scary."
A Lucrative Offer at the Mall Debbie's indoctrination into the world of sex exploitation was particularly brutal. More often, young girls are unwittingly lured in to unwilling prostitution with promises of jobs, money, clothing and modeling.
That's what 19-year-old Miya said happened to her when she was working at a Phoenix mall selling sunglasses. Miya was working three jobs -- 14 ho

Taken by the idea of modeling and making extra money, Miya agreed to meet the couple that night at a local restaurant. "They said they were on their way to California to go back to their office and they were going to do some more photo shoots, and they wanted me to go along with them," Miya said. "He said that I could probably make about a thousand or more. ... He said I could try it for three days. ... And so I went with them."

Miya said she didn't know what happened to those pictures until later, when she arrived in California with the couple. "He showed me a Web site that he put them up on," she said. "And it was an escort service site."
Treated Like a Dog After the horrifying gang rape, police say Debbie was trapped in one of Phoenix's roughest neighborhoods. In a rundown, garbage

After a sleepless night, Debbie was tossed back into the car and again driven around Phoenix. She said they talked to her about prostitution, and that one of the men forced her to have sex with him in the car and then later in a park. The same man took her back to his apartment, and Debbie said, "I ended up in the dog kennel."
Greg Scheffer, an officer with the Phoenix police department, said Debbie was kept in a small dog crate for several days. Lying on her back in the tiny space, her whole body went numb. "She was subject to various abuses while in there," Scheffer said. "This is all part of the breaking down period where [he] gains complete control of this girl."
Unbeknownst to Debbie, police say her captors had put an ad on Craig's List -- a national Web site better-known for helping people find apartments and roommates. Shortly after the ad ran, men began arriving at the apartment at all hours of the day and night demanding sex from her. She said she had to comply. "I had no other choice," she said.
Debbie was earning hundreds of dollars a night -- all of it,

For more than 40 days, police say Debbie remained captive, often beaten and forced daily to have sex of the most degrading kind. During that time, she said she did not try to escape because her captors had done what police say so many pimps do -- threatened her and terrified her.
Debbie said that the pimps told her they would go after her family, and they even threatened to throw battery acid on her 19-month-old niece. "After they told me that, I didn't care what happened to me as long as my family stayed alive," she said. "And that's pretty much what I had in my head. Staying there to keep my family alive."
Making a Break for It Miya says she endured her own brutal ordeal with the couple, who she said put her to work as a prostitute. When she failed to come home from her job at the mall, Miya's family began desperately searching for her -- they frantically called her cell phone and sent her text messages, begging her to come home. They got no response.
Eventually, they filed a missing person report with the police, contacted the media and plastered fliers and yellow ribbons all over town. Meanwhile, Miya's boss at the mall called Dianne Martin to tell her he was afraid that her daughter may have been abducted by the suspicious couple. Miya's parents soon learned from police that more than 30 other girls had been approached by the same couple in that mall and malls in surrounding areas -- the same couple, apparently, who were seen with Miya and who claimed to be recruiting models. But in the end, Miya was the only girl who'd gone with them.
Within days, Miya had been moved several times, farther from home, and she said

Miya was essentially on tour -- she said her pimps had also taken out ads on the Internet, advertising where she would appear next. The fact that they kept her off the streets and were operating only on the Internet made it almost impossible for police to track her down. "So the Internet for the pimps is a huge benefit for them, because it allows them to make their money, do what they want to do with these juveniles or with their prostitutes and have very little contact with the police," said Scheffer.
But then after six days, Miya said her captors slipped up. She said they decided to put her out on some of the roughest streets in San Francisco to turn tricks. For her, it was like a death sentence, and she finally worked up the nerve to escape. At 5:30 one morning, she made a break for it. "I waited till they were completely asleep. And I put my suitcase by the door. And I was about to leave and ...sure enough, the phone rings," she said.
Miya said she handed her captor his phone and then told him she was going to go downstairs and smoke a cigarette. And then she ran for her life. "And that was the last time I talked to him," she said. "I grabbed my suitcase, and I ran to the elevator and I got outside and I started running until I got as far away as I possibly could."
Reunited With Family
Miya said she was blindfolded by day and moved around so much at night, she didn't even know where she was. After escaping, Miya finally felt safe enough to approach a truck driver, who told her she was in Union City, Calif. Miya called home and spoke to her grateful mother. "She told me she didn't know what to do or where to go," Martin said. Her mother contacted the police, who found Miya and took her to a police station. "I was just so glad I was out of their reach," she said of her captors.
But before her journey was over, Miya had one more hurdle to overcome. Police asked her to help catch the man she said lured her away from the mall -- which would mean facing the man she said held her against her will and forced her to perform degrading sexual acts. Police tracked the man to a motel room. "They found out what room he was in," Miya said. "He tried jumping out the window. And they caught him."
For Debbie, who police said been held by her captors at gunpoint and kept in a dog cage for more than 40 days, the chances of getting out alive seemed slim. But then police investigating the case heard tips that she was being kept in an apartment in the Phoenix area. Police searched the apartment but didn't find Debbie. But they were still suspicious. So on Nov. 8, police broke down the doors to the same apartment and realized with a shock why they'd been unable to find Debbie -- she was there, but she was tied up and crushed into a drawer under a bed.
Debbie said she heard Officer James Perry calling her name but was too frightened to answer. "I didn't know what to say; I was just lying under the bed, stiff as a board, shaking," she said "And then he opens the middle drawer, and he was like, 'Oh my God!'"
Trying to Regain Innocence
When Debbie was finally freed from the drawer, she was sobbing, and said she gave the officer "the biggest hug in the world." "I was so relieved!" she said. "And then that's when my ... I was standing there, and my knees started ... they gave out." While it seems unbelievable that these girls didn't try to escape earlier, experts say it's not so uncommon. "These are human beings who are owned by someone else, who lack the ability to walk away, who lack the ability to make a decision in their own self-interest to do something else," said Allen. "If that's not slavery, I don't know what is."
Police arrested four people at the apartment, and Debbie was taken to a safe house for children while her mother was called. "I remember I got the call while I was driving to work," Kersti said. "That was scary. I had to pull over. But, uh, it was just wild, it was. I drove as fast as I legally could. I walked in and I saw her and we just flew to each other."
Within hours, Debbie was safely home. "I was so happy," she said. "I was so happy to see my mom. I was so happy to be home. I'm able to be with my family. I don't know -- it's crazy." The two officers who rescued Debbie were so touched by her strength and her story that they visited her this Christmas and gave her a cross -- a token of affection and protection. "She is a very strong, amazing girl," said Scheffer. "We ran into a few other girls that are like that. I don't know how they have the strength. They are very brave."
The man accused of luring Miya from the mall was charged with pimping and pandering. He has pleaded not guilty. As for the people accused of snatching Debbie, they are charged with kidnapping and sexual assault. All have pleaded not guilty, except for one who awaits extradition from Illinois.
Both girls are trying to go on with their lives. Miya still has three jobs -- she's even gone back to work at the mall. But she's determined now to do some rescuing of her own. She's saving money to open an animal shelter. Debbie has been joyfully reunited with her family, but they have put their house up for sale. They've decided to leave Arizona and move to the Midwest, where Debbie hopes she can find some of the innocence she lost one grim night in September.
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